Sue Day


Archive for May, 2021

E Planning – the future is here – Unfortunately Penrith Council missed the email. #wewanttoknow

Posted on: May 24th, 2021

Do you want to know what’s happening in your own neighborhood!

Have you ever seen something being built close to your home or business and wondered what it was? More importantly, what impact will it have on you?

I believe it’s so important that Community engagement in planning is responsive, effective, and relevant to the local people who live, work and play in Penrith.

Unfortunately! Penrith Council can’t send you local planning notifications!

Help me get Penrith Council to implement E-alerts for planning notifications. #wewanttoknow.

Email me your support, like and share this blog, share my social media posts, together we can get this done.


Until Council implement this critical communication tool, there is a not for profit agency that does the job that Council should be doing. follow the link and sign up.

PlanningAlerts (

The aim of this organisation  “Is to enable shared scrutiny of what is being built (and knocked down) in peoples’ communities. You’d probably know if your next door neighbour was going to knock their house down (you’d get a letter through the door telling you they had applied for planning permission and asking you what you thought about it).  But you’d probably never find out if the old cinema or pub 5 streets away is going to be converted into luxury flats until the bulldozers turned up.”